How long until I receive my order?

Our shipping Time Frames:

- Processing Time : 0 - 1 day.

- Regular Standard Shipping (7 - 15 days)

Is Nice Elegant Home available locally in retail stores?

At this time, Nice Elegant Home is only available online!

When can I get the tracking number?

Normally, a tracking number will be generated no later than 24h-48hours after receiving your payment if there is enough stock in our warehouse.

When will I receive my order?

Orders are usually dispatched from our warehouses within 24h-48 Hours and Regular standard delivery is 7-15 days.

Can I cancel or modify my order?

We process orders you place quickly, usually within 8 hours of placing your order.

For this reason, you have 8 hours after ordering to send a cancellation or modification email to contact@NiceElegantHome.com

Beyond this period, your order will have already been dispatched, so we will not be able to modify or cancel it.

The item I received is broken/defective?

Despite our strict selection of trusted carriers, your package may arrive damaged. In this case or in the case of a design defect, contact us at contact@NiceElegantHome.com with the following details:

-Your order number

-The description of the problem (wrong / defective / broken item, ...)

-A photo or video

You will not need to return the product and we will resend you a new product or refund the amount of your order directly to you in the form of a purchase voucher (if you wish another form of refund, please let us know).